Test Result Statistics: Substances by Year

  • Display data as:
  • Percentages
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  • DrugsData Only
  • Sold as Ecstasy :
  • Yes
  • no
  • both
Samples Containing 1999   Totals
Acetaminophen 1 1
Aspirin 1 1
Caffeine 5 5
Chlorpheniramine 2 2
DXM 16 16
Ephedrine/Pseudoephedrine 5 5
Guaifenesin 1 1
MDA 4 4
MDE 1 1
MDMA 40 40
Methyl Salicylate 1 1
None Detected 5 5
Unique Sample Totals: 69 69
# Unique Subs Per Year 12 12

Please note that the data from the DrugsData (formerly EcstasyData) testing project is not necessarily representative of what is available in the underground markets. Most samples are voluntarily submitted by harm reduction workers or individuals and the data will naturally have unknowable sampling biases. These statistics are provided as an overview of the data for this project and cannot be generalized to any other dataset or given market.