How to support

You can support the DrugsData project in two ways:

How the project is funded

DrugsData (formerly called EcstasyData) is a project of Erowid Center, and is co-sponsored by Isomer Design and DanceSafe. As the owning and managing organization, Erowid Center covers server space and bandwidth costs, and invests hundreds of staff hours per year on DrugsData administration, answering questions, and maintenance.

In 2016, Erowid Center dedicated over 700 staff hours to this project, and paid $67,500 in direct costs to the analytical toxicology lab that conducts the testing, in addition to $8,100 in other lab-related direct costs.

DrugsData subsidizes the costs of testing that are not covered by co-pays. Currently, lab-related direct costs are US$150 per sample analyzed.