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Sold as: Dope
ID: 10857
ID: 10857
Name: Dope
Other Names:
UniqueCode:More infoUnique Lookup Code is an alphanumeric string created by the submitter and included with the sample so anonymously submitted samples can be positively identified as the submitter's sample. AC2021B867A
Marquis:More infoThe Marquis Test is a reagent field test conducted by placing a drop of reagent liquid onto a small sample of the material being tested. The chemicals in the reagent react differently with different chemicals, turning a variety of colors based on the what is in the material being tested. No Reaction
Mecke:More infoAs with the Marquis Test, The Mecke Test is a reagent field test conducted by placing a drop of liquid reagent onto a sample of the material in question. Mecke reagent is primarily used for the identification of heroin and other opiates. No Reaction
Mandelin:More infoThe Mandelin Test is a reagent field test conducted by placing a drop of liquid reagent onto a sample of the material in question. Mandelin is primarily used for the detection of ketamine and PMA. It is a mixture of ammonium metavanadate and concentrated sulfuric acid. No Reaction
GC/MS:More infoThe GC/MS Lab Test  
Test Date: Jul 31, 2021
Pub. Date: Jul 31, 2021
Src Location: Boston, MA
Submitter Loc: Boston, MA
United States
Color: Brown
Size: 20 mg
Data Source: DrugsData
Tested by: DDL
Lab's ID: 21070072
Sold as: Dope
Expected to be: Fentanyl + something weird
Brown powder in baggie.

Experience Note: 'Felt like K2, paranoid, rushy, took a long time to come down.'

BTNX Fentanyl Test Strip (prior to sending in sample): Positive