''I've been buying online since July with different results form different distributors. Last two months have been experiencing 'serotonin syndrome' types of abnormalities. I take only one per day - sometimes half, sometimes I skip days. Been feeling so off with these ''attacks'' I get, that I drug tested my urine with negative results for the top 7 drugs. ... I am suspicious that this may possibly [be] some sort of Haldol, Lithium or other type of pill because it is not showing as a narcotic in the urine. I'm having enough issues to need to find out what I've been taking. I feel like my sinuses suddenly clear, heart races, get a very upset stomach and my ears ring during the 5-10 minute episodes now happening often. ... It keeps [me] wide awake and 'dries' my sinuses.''
Send in a sample for testing
DrugsData tests all psychoactive drugs including ecstasy tablets, powders, research chemicals, novel pschoactive substances, and other drugs through our licensed laboratory. Ecstasy/Molly tablets cost $100. Recreational drug powder/crystal/blotter costs $100. Pharmaceuticals, supplements and all others cost $150 per analysis.
Should the public have access to independent analysis of the products they consume?
The vast majority of analyses of over-the-counter, prescription, and recreational drugs are performed in secret with no independent oversite or review. No other historical record, free from politically-controlled agencies, is currently available in North America nor most other parts of the world.
DrugsData, a project of Erowid Center, needs the support of professionals, students, parents, individuals with means, and small foundations for a total yearly budget of around $120,000 USD. Erowid Center's general budget and the co-pays we require fund most of this cost.