ID: | 15887 |
Name: | Leaf Material |
Other Names: | |
UniqueCode:Unique Lookup Code is an alphanumeric string created by the submitter and included with the sample so anonymously submitted samples can be positively identified as the submitter's sample. | XPQV9 |
GC/MS:The GC/MS Lab Test | |
If this sample contained a 'small molecule', the lab would likely have been able to identify the substance. In any case it would have been detected and would be listed above as an Unidentified substance.
If one or more large molecules (such as proteins or peptides) are present, the lab will probably not be able to identify the substance because their lab techniques cause large molecules to degrade. In many cases, the procedures used by the lab cause such large-molecule substances to not show up at all. Simple sugars, many vitamins, metals, and minerals do not show up properly using the techniques used by our lab, either.
We need the help of outside expert analytical chemists and drug geeks to determine what substance matches the mass spectrum (MS) fingerprint. The lab's GC/MS graphs can be viewed by clicking on the thumbnails on this page.
Please use our contact form and include the DrugsData ID (15887) or this URL along with any communications.