Test Date: | Mar 30, 2015 |
Pub. Date: | Mar 30, 2015 |
Src Location: | San Bernardino, CA |
Submitter Loc: | San Bernardino, CA United States |
Color: | White / Off White |
Size: | 251 mg, 18.70 mm x 7.30 mm |
Data Source: | DrugsData (EcstasyData) |
Tested by: | DDL |
Lab's ID: | 20150300192 |
EcstasyData: Sample contains only TFMPP as a psychoactive drug. TFMPP is not considered a recreational drug by itself and was rejected during its scheduling process because there was no evidence anyone actually likes it. It is sometimes added to BZP and other drugs to add more difficult-to-describe sensations to the other drugs.