Test Date: | Apr 01, 2018 |
Pub. Date: | Apr 03, 2018 |
Src Location: | Chicago, IL |
Submitter Loc: | Chicago, IL United States |
Color: | White |
Size: | 95 mg, 5.90 mm x 17.30 mm |
Data Source: | DrugsData (EcstasyData) |
Tested by: | DDL |
Lab's ID: | 20180300116 |
Apr 2018: This is an insane number and variety of chemicals. The variety and trace results could be from contamination, intentional addition to the sample, or... who knows. (The name 'Horror Show' was attributed to the sample by the submitter, not by DrugsData.) The suspicious number of chemicals and weird mix suggest this could be an anomalous retail-level, one-off batch of capsules sold as Ecstasy.