Test Date: | Jul 20, 2019 |
Pub. Date: | Jul 20, 2019 |
Src Location: | Online, Netherlands |
Submitter Loc: | Nashville, TN United States |
Color: | White |
Size: | 100 mg, 23.40 mm x 8.20 mm |
Data Source: | DrugsData (EcstasyData) |
Tested by: | DDL |
Lab's ID: | 20190700053 |
July 25, 2019: The 'Expected to be' answer above has been updated from the sender's original response of 'Inactive/contaminated' to their revised response of '3-HO-PCE'. A reference standard is available for 3-HO-PCE and has been ordered. This sample will be re-analyzed once the lab receives the reference standard for 3-HO-PCE. Please check back in 14-21 days.