ID: | 15210 |
Name: | White Powder |
Other Names: | |
UniqueCode:Unique Lookup Code is an alphanumeric string created by the submitter and included with the sample so anonymously submitted samples can be positively identified as the submitter's sample. | Pump2 |
Marquis:The Marquis Test is a reagent field test conducted by placing a drop of reagent liquid onto a small sample of the material being tested. The chemicals in the reagent react differently with different chemicals, turning a variety of colors based on the what is in the material being tested. | No Reaction |
Liebermann | Red with Yellow |
Froehde | No Reaction |
GC/MS:The GC/MS Lab Test | |
Jan 6 2022: The peak previously described as a degradation product is identified by library match as methyl-p-tolylacetate, a leftover synthesis reagent that would be expected for the synthesis of 4-Methylmethylphenidate (pictured bottom, left, with corrected caption).
Jan 5 2023: 4-Methylmethylphenidate (CAS 191790-79-1) has been suggested as the unidentified chemical in this sample (thank you, Y.) and can be considered an unconfirmed library match. There isn't a commercially available reference standard for 4-Methylmethylphenidate as of Jan 2023.
Jan 3 2023: Appears related to methylphenidate, degradation peak is similar.
Major ion similar to unidentified chemical in